Tuesday, March 08, 2005


A girl from my high school was murdered yesterday by her boyfriend. It's so tragic. She was the first female to wrestle on the men's team in high school. It's crazy. It's weird when it's someone you know...

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It's all good...

yesterday went fine. Thank god. The kids were good, for the most part, and the day went without a hitch. Today we venture on down to the downtown library and then we come back for our first Japanese lessons. That should be a lot of fun. So all in all it's an easy day. My mentor teacher is teaching less and less, so I'm enjoying doing more and more.

On another note, My bf is coming down this weekend. It won't be all that romantic of a Valentine's weekend being at my parent's house and all, but it'll still be fun. We're going to go to a couple movies and he's going to cook my family dinner... he's an awesome cook so that'll be a great meal! I hate this long distance thing. It sucks, but it's only 2.5 more months. We can do it.

I've been trying to decide where I would like to get a teaching job and nothing appeals to me. I'm a big chicken when it comes to change. Laramie was a big change, but I ended up loving it. I'm also a chicken to move too far away from home. Josh and I are planning on moving somewhere together, but who knows if that'll last. I hate having to think that way, but that's realistic. I don't want to move too far away incase we end up not being together anymore. Real life sucks. I can forsee us being together for a really long time. I guess I'll just have to wait and see what happens....

Monday, February 07, 2005

Worst day ever...

Last friday was the worst day. I had a complete breakdown at school because the kids were being so rude and disrespectful to me and their classmates. I was so frustrated that I finally just broke. It was awful. I had to face down my four worst boys and it was a huge ordeal. I just was so glad the day was over. The pricipal offered to let me go home early, but I needed to go back to the room and finish the day. I just needed to vent and then I was fine. The principal thought that I was going to not come back and teach because of all this. I'm made of stronger stuff than that....

Thursday, February 03, 2005


I feel crappy today. My throat is sore and I just feel achey. I sure hope I feel better tomorrow. I am supposed to go to Laramie this weekend and I'm really looking forward to it, but I don't want to get my bf sick. I guess I'll have to wait and see how I feel tomorrow....

Wednesday, February 02, 2005


I hate being the mean teacher. The kids don't listen to me and don't respect me. When I try to punish them for being bad they hate me afterwards. It's just so hard when my mentor teacher and I have two totally different styles of teaching. She doesn't expect them to be quiet and when they waste time, she doesn't seem to mind. It's just frustrating....

Monday, January 31, 2005

I hate computers!!!

I need to register for this stupid PRAXIS test so I can get my degree and my certification to teach. The only thing is...the stupid computer won't let me register or know if my password is correct. I'm so dang tired of this crap. I have to be registered by tomorrow or I have to pay a late fee, which by this point is fine, because I just want to be done with this whole registration crap. Hopefully I'll get it figured out at lunch...

Friday, January 28, 2005


I had to send a kid to the office today. It was the first time I've ever had to. Kid really pissed me off. He forgot to take his meds this morning so he thinks that gives him an excuse to be bad. Medications are such a crutch to some students. They think that not taking their pills validates their bad behavior...it's frustrating....

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Too much...

....parents complain that their students have too much homework. It's the parent's decision to put their kids in an extra math class, regular math class, and enrichment math. Then they put them on 2 basketball teams, a travelling volleyball team, piano lessons, and all-city band. And then it's OUR fault as teachers because they have homework. I thought school was important, but maybe I'm wrong....

Monday, January 24, 2005

It's monday...

I've started to see how busy I'm going to be here really soon. I decided to do book clubs where I will be seeing 4 groups a day for 15 minutes each and three other centers of work for them to do while I'm working group by group. On top of that...the students will be doing their poetry unit, we will be doing canada, and their science forces unit.... all of this will be taught by me, myself, and I. That's scary! It should be interesting. I hope it all goes well. I'm still not confident in my teaching abilities, but I guess that'll give me a little better idea of myself...

Sunday, January 23, 2005


...is really pathetic and unattractive. All I've done this weekend is sit around and feel bad for myself, because all my friends and bf are in Laramie. They have their friends around them, they go out and do things. I sit here and do nothing. Well, that attitude has got to change or these are going to be the longest 4 months of my life. I'm going to Laramie for the next two weekends so that should help some...

Friday, January 21, 2005

Kinda sad...

Well, my bf was supposed to come here this weekend to visit, but there are guys from NASA in laramie and he has all kinds of homework and work to do, so he stayed in laramie. He called me tonight, drunk and funny, but he's out without me. I know he, more than anyone, deserves a night out, but I just wish I could've gone out with him. Pity party right here. Yep. Me. Well, I think I ended up making him feel really bad about not coming and I didn't mean to. I know how busy he is. I just don't have friends here and I can't really do anything here. And I also made another comment about I would stay all next weekend down there if he wasn't going to be a butthead. Now why did I say that? I feel so stupid for saying that. I didn't mean it. It was supposed to come out as a joke and it didn't sound funny, just mean. He's never treated me badly...EVER. I feel like shit about it. I hope that he doesn't remember tomorrow...time to write him an email....

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Easy day

Well, today in class we have very little teaching to do. We had math, then art, then reading, lunch, artcore field trip, planners and library. Pretty nice day.

On a sadder note, my bf isn't coming to see me this weekend. He has a bunch of work to do over the weekend. I think it's going to be a long semester cuz we're both going to be getting busier and busier. Oh well.... That's how it goes sometimes....

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Lessons for moola...

I would love to be able to set up a website where I could sell my lesson plans for a small fee. I don't have a great deal of lesson plans as of yet, but I will have a couple of great lesson units put together in the next two months or so. I don't mind sharing my work, but it would be nice to make a small profit for my work. I guess I'll have to look into that soon....

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

South Carolina...

I found out that I'm going to a wedding in South Carolina with my bf this June. It should be a lot of fun. I'm going to be adventurous and go to the bachelorette party with his friend. It makes me nervous to do that since I don't know her yet and I'm afraid of getting left behind.... not to mention that I have never gone clubbing. So it should be interesting, but I'm really really excited about it! And a trip with the bf is alwasy nice.

I went and saw him in Laramie this weekend. I hate the long distance thing. But it's 4 months and he's willing to come up here to see me...so it should all work out....